Friday 15 October 2010

Hi I'm Anna and this year I have taken on the task of Stewarding for the Feast,which requires recruiting over 60 local people from all ages to work all weekend selling tickets, checking armbands and numerous other very essential roles. I am happy to report that we now have our full quota of stewards and I am looking forward to working with them at the Feast.

Some of our stewards include sixth form pupils from Ysgol Aberconwy, who were put through an interview process as part of their education program. Congratulations to all those who were involved.

This year, as there is a medieval theme to the event, we are dressing some of the stewards in brightly coloured tabbards and hoods - so they will be noticed in a crowd!

Just a reminder to all stewards - please remember to turn up on Thursday 21st October at the Civic Hall at 6pm so that we can run through all the essential information you will need. There will be a few nibbles and even a quiz to test your knowledge! See you all then